Mindset & Health Is Key
In December of 2015, I graduated from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition as a Certified Holistic Health & Life Coach. It was a considerable achievement because before this, I never fully accomplished anything in my life. IIN is the largest nutrition school in the world and is continuing to grow, and attending was the start of my healing journey.
I came across IIN in December 2014 after the loss of my father, who succumbed to cancer. Watching him deteriorate and doctors running out of options, I started to research, knowing there had to be other alternatives. At this point in my life, I knew nothing about nutrition and health as I ate what I wanted and rarely exercised. And as for self-love, I was clueless about what that was either.
My father's passing became my inspiration and motivation as to why I decided to embark on this new journey of self-discovery. I miss my father dearly, but I genuinely believe that his passing was my stepping stone to turning my life around. Life is not against you; no matter how dark it may seem, its always pointing you to your true north.
Each year since, I have continued to grow from my internal battles of unworthiness, depression, addiction, and self-sabotage. Embarking on a new paradigm of healing modalities and mentorships; Reiki Master, Hypnosis, Yoga, Ayurvedic, Reflexology, Meditation, and Regression therapy. I'm not going to tell you it was easy, but I will tell you it was worth it. I believe that life will always have its ups and downs, and how we respond, not react, changes everything.
The key is to remember that you are important, and you do matter! It took me a while to believe those words. I recall my first session with my life coach asking, "why do I matter when others have it so much worse"? She told me the same thing I would share with you "YOU do matter; YOU are important" — this became my anchor, my reason for living and not giving up.
Much Love