Jedi In Training (The Hero's Journey)

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Today marks 101 days…

No alcohol

No drugs



Mindful eating

Daily meditation/yoga practice

The hero's journey is about growing out of your familiar comfort zone, entering the unknown, and transforming into something new. Some of my favorite movies and shows, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Avatar, and Game of Thrones, to name a few, all use this archetypal plot formula. I have gone through my journey at different points in my life, having a constant theme to learn and grow endlessly; keyword endless!

Entering my newest phase, I have consciously decided to quiet the unnecessary noise, focus on my internal to captivate the external, and take my power back. I'm not going up into the mountains to meditate and fast (something I wouldn't mind doing); I'm learning to incorporate my practice into the modern world.

Today our planet is stricken with so much stimulus and technology (not all bad) that it can be pretty challenging to quiet this self-imposed chaos. We are brought up looking outside of ourselves and thinking, once I get that dream job, get married, have children, get more friends and followers on social media and buy more material bullshit, all suffering will end. Does it?

I'm not married, nor do I have children, but I can tell you that most of my friends that seem to have everything still feel like they are missing something. I believe this missing link is within us, and the more we look outside of ourselves, the further we move away from what it means to be truly happy.

Following in the footsteps of civilizations that have come before us, I believe we can experience higher levels of consciousness (more than the 10% we use of our brain today) from the simplicity of daily life and fewer distractions. I could take a step further and say that we are our ancestors; we know to manifest the life we want, and it's all the unnecessary clutter that keeps us from this superpower.

I knew I couldn't go it alone and was open to just about anything. The universe provided me with help and guidance from mentors, life coaches, and teachers, for which I'm so grateful. Using healing modalities such as past life regression, human design, reiki, yoga, and ancestral roots has been vital to tapping into my newfound self-discovery. It continues to unfold as I process and accept with sincere desire and devotion to bring forth what already exists.

Gathering wisdom is great; doing the work is another ballgame, and once you sign up, no matter how hard you try to fight it (I have attempted to), there is no going back. Once I stopped focusing on the problem, I could focus more on my truth, learning to trust my golden compass of intuition and taking ownership of being the creator to create my own game.

I have also been engaging in new forms of meditation, such as the Tibetan practice of shamatha, open eye meditation that keeps you present. I've added my twist to this by incorporating my newly purchased Yoni Egg (Google it). This past weekend I had my first shamanistic drum circle journey using horse medicine as my spirit animal alley, which was fantastic as fuck!

As with all lessons, I have encountered struggles in the purging process. Many times, wanting to give up, asking my higher self, mother earth, god (whatever you call it), what is the purpose of this 3rd-dimensional world (Earth) if on the astral plane (afterlife) we can enjoy love and eternal bliss? I quote Eckhart Tolle, "Stress is caused by being "here" but wanting to be "there," which hit the nail on the head for me. I answered my question using discernment, and my soul has agreed to clear, clean, and resurrect back to my perfected pattern of self-love.

Disciplining myself didn't happen all at once; I have been taking baby steps to see what works best for me. Keeping a daily routine has become necessary, staying within the natural flow of change and not punishing myself for not sticking to it some days when life happens. Still going strong, I surrender to whatever comes up next to heal myself before I can help others.


Karma Yoga, Life of a Volunteer, South Africa


Dear Universe