My Magical Unicorns
Asking for help is a strength, not a weakness. At specific points in my life, I struggled to reach out for support, thinking I could handle life's dramas independently. But, most of the time, I would have to hit a pivotal point; in other words, rock bottom before I knew that I needed guidance.
A few years back, I was going through one of the most devastating breakups in my life. At the time, I believed my relationship would last forever. I felt like my partner was my "soul mate," and nothing could break our love. Well, I was wrong.
I ended up in a deep depression, feeling alone and just wanting to curl into a ball and cease to exist. The pain I felt was so intoxicating that I couldn't eat and hardly slept. To numb me, I went back down the road of engaging in drugs and distracting myself the best way I knew.
In the past, time and time again, I had proven that I couldn't handle drowning in a pity party on my own. Being so caught up in the fog, I couldn't see clearly. However, I knew that reaching out for reinforcements was the best possible solution, and my magical unicorns (mentors, guides) came into play.
During my healing journey, I've had an entourage of magical unicorns who showed up exactly when I needed them. It took me stepping into a place within myself and making space to allow myself to receive these universal blessings.
During my breakup breakdown and my first step in reaching out, I did what any confused girl would do; I had a tarot card reading. In our session, she described to me that some of my attachments resided in past lives connection. In Buddhist teachings, it is characterized as rebirth, where all beings cycle continually one lifetime after another before developing to the point where they can reach enlightenment.
The tarot card reading led me to my next magical unicorn, who did healing from past life regression. Whether in this life or the past, regression therapy is a powerful way to do shadow work and heal your inner child and critic. After releasing energy that no longer served me and gaining a bit of clarity on the situation, I knew it wasn't quite enough.
The problem was I still wasn't entirely ready for integration. Nothing will change until you are willing to go the distance and peel away the layers to what lies deep within. Patterns will continue to repeat over and over again until you take charge and take your power back.
My mind continued to run in circles, replaying and asking, "what did I do wrong to cause the relationship to end?" It wasn't until my next magical unicorn showed up that I dived deeper into what felt like a barrage of ongoing trauma.
Determination to return to a place of self-love, and with my magical unicorn's guidance, I began the process of self-surrender and learning to love all aspects of myself. I stopped fighting and found no more need for this addiction to my conditioned behaviors. It's easier to become friends and coexist instead of running from it. Being kind and not punishing myself for feeling like I took a step backward has a purpose.
She helped me realize that my love in my relationship was never outside myself and came from within. It was a massive shift to understand that love I was fighting for so desperately never left. This love from within allows me to be fearless, and in my darkest times, it guided me to the light. Love that, in the purest form, is effortless and what leads us to true happiness and bliss.
Still, to this day, she is my support system and biggest cheerleader, also a friend and someone I can genuinely trust. She is a woman of integrity and challenges me to be in mine—compassion, empathy, and understanding. She implemented guidance for me to continue to rewrite the story that I have been telling myself most of my life, that I am not worthy.
In collaboration, my magical unicorns have empowered me to take baby steps, learning that the world is not against you. Through my traumas, they have taught me to be grateful for these teachings. With this, it has helped me give back and share my unique gifts with the world and show, particularly women, that the past doesn't define them, and at any moment, we have a choice to choose differently.
I'm forever grateful to have magical unicorns who push my boundaries, inspire, and bring my innate wisdom into the light. They are universal forces that support my growth by bringing magic to every situation—assisting me in creating the life I want and deserve while becoming the best version of myself to serve others.
I honestly don't know where I would be without them. And as I continue my evolution, I can keep an open heart and mind as other magical unicorns show up. The best part about it is that we all uniquely heal. I'm excited about what I will discover next. Gratitude, gratitude, fucking gratitude!
Who are your magical unicorns?
Sending love & light