Willingness To Take The Next Step

Today I am so grateful to be heading back to the Island of the Gods, Bali. People always ask, "Why, Bali?" Well, I've been to 50+ countries, and Bali still feels like home every time I return. Not only is it beautiful, but energetically I feel grounded, safe, and secure — a place where I can hopefully continue to fulfill my intention to be more vulnerable this year.

Being vulnerable hasn't been the most natural thing for me. At one point, I even thought of it as a weakness. I have been conditioned for years to protect myself based on fear and living through manipulation. What I've realized over time is living in fear has caused more suffering than being vulnerable based on love.

The goal in mind is to put this love towards me, others, my book, jewelry line, and anything else I decide to create. Then, with the practice of intention, gratitude, meditation, and reflection, I can allow myself to take the necessary steps to be more susceptible to vulnerability.

In any case, 2020 it's just the beginning, and I'm excited for you! For the past few years, I have been working fucking hard to better myself, including my surroundings. Finally, I feel everything is coming to fruition, and I can't wait to see what unfolds!


In My Element


Born To Be A Badass, Chapter Share