Born To Be A Badass, Chapter Share
This week I've decided to share Part 1, Chapter 3, called High School Dayz. Chapter 3 is the opening to my first taste of sex and drugs. I hope you guys enjoy it, and as always, any feedback is much appreciated!
"And after running through my list of drugs I've dabbled with, and currently, my drug of choice, crystal meth, the counselor felt that rehabilitation would be best. Shocker!
I said, "Cool, ok, so I will head home then, pack up and come back tomorrow." She responded, "I think it's best if you just stay here now."
Well, this wasn't the deal with me going to this meeting. I was under the impression that I had a choice to come back when I wanted. I needed help, but only on my terms.
The counselor asked me to step outside the room to speak to my mother privately, and I began to worry. Was this bitch about to persuade my mother to keep me there? I thought, no, my mom wouldn't leave me there without me being ok with it.
After a few minutes, I went back in, and my mother had this stone-cold look on her face. The counselor then told me that she and my mother agreed it would be best to keep me at the facility. And going home may enable me to do drugs one last time.
I begged, pleaded, and even cried, promising I would return the following day. I had no intention of getting high. All I wanted was to pack and prepare for what I would be tied to for the next month. Or maybe I was just really full of bullshit?
I was in desperation for her to choose differently. The problem was that I was only 16 years old, which meant my mother had the power to keep me there since I was a minor, and I couldn't choose otherwise. I felt betrayed, and so I lost my shit and freaked out.
I began to curse and scream at anyone near me, including my mother. My little temper tantrum turned into a complete nightmare as the staff members pinned me down, put a straight jacket on me, and locked me in one of those white padded rooms.
"I'm not crazy," I screamed. It felt like I was in that movie with Angelina Jolie, Girl Interrupted, or even One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest."
Sending love & light