The Divine Feminine
I recently asked myself what is different about my relationship now than in the past? And how did I make changes?
Well, it started with a clear realization that I'm not broken; I am beautiful, whole, and unique. Which, by the way, we all are. This meant that I no longer had to play a mother role and try to fix something in someone else. Instead, I had to ultimately let go of my outdated conditioned belief that I needed to fix something in myself.
After years and years of dating, coming to this clarity was a complete game-changer. It was followed by new learning and understanding of how to tap into my divine feminine when engaging in a romantic relationship. Some might ask, "what is feminine energy"? It can be creative, playful, receptive, intuitive, inward, and "being energy." The opposite of masculine energy.
We live in a highly masculine society, which means being assertive, responsible for taking action, outward, and considered the "doing energy." The masculine energy is necessary for getting shit done when working on our careers. Still, the problem is that many of us take this into our romantic relationships, causing conflict or an unnecessary power struggle.
The key is finding a balance between both energies, and it is something I'm still working on. For most of my life, I lived in masculine energy and felt a need to control everything. Being feminine allows me to surrender to the flow of life and create a robust and loving foundation built on trust, acceptance, no expectations, staying present, and coming from a place of gratitude.
Do you find yourself with more feminine or masculine energy? And would you like to learn techniques to be balanced in both? I would love to hear your feedback.