Two weeks ago, I had the opportunity to speak publicly and share one of my stories with Open Space V.3, a storytelling showcase hosted by the Dojo Bali. This event differed slightly from the first public speaking event I encountered. First, it was live on zoom compared to in-person. Second, I had a time limit of eight minutes vs. having a host guiding by asking questions for over an hour.
Both events were nerve-racking, being that I'm new in this arena. However, the stories I told were on two completely different topics. In the first event, the theme was narcissism, a subject I have experienced quite a few times (blog coming soon). And the latest was on a catalyst story.
I had difficulty deciding what I would share regarding the catalyst story, as I've encountered many different inciting incidents that lead me to aha moments. Finally, I decided to go with one closest to my heart and one of the most pivotal points in my life, my father's death.
My father is the catalyst to where I'm at in life now, and honestly, I can say that I'm pretty fucking happy. He is why I embarked on a new journey, leaving my toxic world behind. And because of him, I continue to have hope and faith in what's to come.
I've always been able to share my stories through writing, with the convenience of being somewhat hidden behind the pages. Now stepping out of my comfort zone, I'm embracing this new storytelling and public speaking method. It has been far from perfect, and I'm ok with it because I know it's all a part of the learning process. And just like writing, it takes time and practice.