Spiritual Belief


In life, all of us inevitably struggle from time to time. The list goes on, whether it be morning the death of a loved one, a breakup, getting fired from a job, divorce, losing a pet, or caring for someone ill.

If you are going through a tough time, do you tend to be hopeful or allow the circumstances to break you down? Have you ever hit rock bottom but continued to keep going because you have faith? Or do you tend to numb yourself?

Depending on how you answered these questions, let me tell you that both sides of the spectrum are OK! Feelings need to be felt and dealt with on your own time. Whether it be sadness, anger, or frustration, they are valid and should be honored.

The only issue is sometimes we might get stuck on a feeling. We don't see the light at the end of the tunnel and end up in a downward spiral. By recognizing your emotions, allowing yourself to feel them, and not letting them control you, your spirit can begin to heal.

Having a spiritual belief is different for everyone. Whether you believe in a particular religion, the universe, higher power, god, or goddesses. None of them are right or wrong, and no one should ever be judged for their beliefs. A spiritual view has everything to do with being aligned in hope and faith.

A spiritual belief is an inner knowing that the pain and anguish you're feeling will subside. It teaches you to be stronger during life's hardships and can help build resilience to any curveball that life may throw at you. We are here to learn and grow from our many difficult life lessons. Growth comes from devastation and hurt.

For example, my father's death was one of the most hurtful things of the many life lessons I had to cope with. And I still have my moments of sadness and miss him dearly. But, on the other hand, I know I wouldn't be on the path I'm on without this occurrence. Who the fuck knows where I would be.

My father's passing was just the beginning of my healing journey. It gave me the courage to leave my toxic world behind and shift the paradigm. By accepting my external world, I began to heal my internal one. And today, it continues to push me to keep going and never give up.

We all have a choice in how to handle our emotions. We can drown in a pity party, learn from our struggles, and adopt a healthier perspective. I'm not going to tell you it's easy. It takes time and courage to move forward, but any forward movement is a step in the right direction. So believe that you can find the greater meaning and beauty behind things that cripple us. Your spirit has your back!

Sending love & light





Full Moon Forgiveness Vibes