My Story, My First Blog Post

I've meant to start this blog for a while. During my travels, I got caught up in living in the moment. I believe it's healthy to live in the moment instead of focusing on the past or future. Maybe, part of me was afraid of building something from scratch. In any case, I needed to let go of the perfectionism of "Oh! I will be ready when I have this" or "I will get to it at the start of next week." Let's be honest; are we ever really ready?

People say that timing is everything, but does that mean not having perseverance in trying? If we don't try and wait, how will we ever know? With that, my website isn't exactly how I wanted it to be, but I decided to take the plunge and give it a go anyway. I realized what do I have to lose, nothing. What can I gain; trial and error and new learning experiences.

Follow me on my journey. I will discuss everything from my travels to cool shit I've done and will continue to do, wellness tips, and any struggles that life throws my way (learning healthier and more innovative ways to navigate it). Remembering, too, that everyone has a story, it's about owning that story, and this one is mine.

We create our reality with each step that we take. Some steps we barely notice; others are quantum leaps. But any forward movement, no matter how big or small, eventually creates our footprints, and those footprints we leave behind become the story of our lives.

In August of 2014, I hit rock bottom. I've been the head bartender at NYC's most infamous strip club for the past nine years. I was in a longstanding relationship with my significant other that was collapsing. I was angry at the world and blamed everyone else for my misfortune. I hated my present-day life and myself.

Bouts of anger, frustration, depression, and mounding stress from romance to my job; everything turned toxic. I became suicidal and knew I had to make a change. The realization that this story has finally run its course, something's had to change, or this would slowly kill me. It was time to let go of the past and write a new story. I began questioning everything, do we need to suffer, and is there another way?

This began the start of my healing journey. I knew I couldn't go on this upward battle alone, so I reached out for help. It started as small as going to anger management. Soon after, I lost my father to cancer, which led me to find alternative solutions such as The Institute of Integrative Nutrition, yoga, and meditation. I was learning to use food as medicine and the power of my mind, body, and soul to heal.

From toxic romance to traveling renaissance, I'm proof that change is possible. I've experienced firsthand what great masters told us all along – that inner peace is available at all times and no cost. (It doesn't even have calories!) Letting go of old stories and writing new ones. All part of the healing process and upward climb toward inner peace.

In my new chapter, I believe that we all have this freedom – this ability to choose where suffering is not necessary. No matter where you are or what you're dealing with, you have the power to make your own choices – to make your way!

Join me on my journey… Let's choose our way together! It's time to leave old stories behind and create the life you're meant to live. We all deserve to reach our ultimate happiness based on what that means to you as an individual. So let's write the story we choose to write, "One healthy footprint at a time."

~Lauren Eimicke~


New Year, New Goals