New Year, New Goals
People worldwide make New Year's resolutions hoping for better year than the last. But, unfortunately, how many of us fail, including me. I believe our intentions are good, but we tend to take on too quickly during our execution. I've learned baby steps, or little footprints, as I like to call them. Looking at the smaller picture with a driving force behind us will eventually get you to the bigger picture.
Set goals for the day, set goals for the week, and put the top three goals at most for the month. Please write it down, look at it every day as a reminder and figure out right NOW your top priority; eventually, the rest will flow into place. Even if only one of your ultimate three goals for the month gets accomplished, awesome, congratulate yourself, at least you did one! Maybe, next month you realize that the other two were not as necessary, and you decide to set new goals or figure out new ways to make those goals a reality.
As humans, we are constantly changing and growing, and we realize what was important to us a month ago is not so important now. Writing it down is essential! I got tired of feeling disappointed in myself and making bullshit excuses for why I couldn't do something. You can do whatever you want if you believe in yourself; remember to keep your goals small first and always be kind to yourself. You are not alone; millions of people feel exactly how you do.
You will have some failures, but remember, failure and success are on the same road; it teaches us what works for us as individuals and what doesn't. So with that, my top three goals this month are:
Organize my photo library! I have way too many photos!
Set up a Facebook page for my business!
Finish the chapters about my relationships in my book!
I wish everyone a Happy, Healthy, Kick-Ass New Year!