Gratitude is the feeling of being thankful and acknowledging the goodness in life. It is a fundamental step in the healing journey that can be cultivated from forgiveness and acceptance of self and others. It is the glue that pulls everything together. It is one of the highest forms of freedom with various benefits.
Gratitude is a powerful force that expands happiness, fulfills you, and improves health. It helps lift emotions and enhances self-esteem. In addition, it connects you to the world around you by activating empathy and compassion. Finally, it develops better communication to build lasting relationships and determination to make more progress towards your goals.
I've had moments where I struggled to find gratitude—feelings of being an imposter or forced and not organic. I realized that I would put up barriers between myself and feeling grateful. I then asked, "what would it take to connect more fully to the feeling of appreciation?" I began to challenge my critical inner voice.
By slowing down and staying present, you can find the purpose of any curveballs that life might throw at you. Let's face it; the hard days will come. But the good news is nothing is ever permanent, and tomorrow is always an opportunity to start again.
By seeking wisdom within, you can ask yourself, "what is the hidden blessing," "what am I here to learn" or "what do I need to let go of." And as I mentioned in my earlier posts, once you forgive and accept life just as it is, changing your perspective, gratitude follows naturally.
There are many ways to open our hearts to the appreciation of existence. One effective way is by writing and keeping a gratitude journal. I also find making space to reflect by getting in touch with nature or through meditation and daily affirmations can bring courage and resilience to the healing process.
I also realized that asking for help from my guides and mentors (blog post coming this week) is a strength, not a weakness. Lastly, faith can open the gateway that helps move from a state of fear into love.
Below I share with you now a gratitude list that I have written. Once you count your blessings, forgive and accept, bringing more blessings.
Dear Universe,
Thank you for shifting what I deemed as darkness to show me the light
Thank you to the abusers for teaching me how to forgive
Thank you for the bullies for teaching me how to be compassionate
Thank you for the chaos and for teaching me how to be in the present moment
Thank you for suffering to teach me how to love
Thank you for the toxicity in teaching me how to be healthy
Thank you for abandonment to teaching me how to nurture
Thank you for the narrow-minded in teaching me how to be open
Thank you for heartbreak and for teaching me how to stand in my worth
Thank you for uncertainty to teach me how to trust
Thank you for the frustration in teaching me how to be patience
Thank you for the shame and guilt of teaching me how to accept
And Thank you for scraps and bruises to teach me that all wounds heal
Forever Grateful,