2022 Theme…UPGRADE!!!
It's been a while since I've written anything, and it feels good to be writing again! Until recently, I've had extremely low energy, causing little motivation and putting many of my goals on hold. Since October of last year, I've had to focus my attention on my health. I had an entourage of ailments that I have slowly been healing.
First came the mold poisoning, which got so bad that I couldn't walk down a flight of stairs. Then came the migraines and dizziness, which I still get, just less frequent. Finally, after a slew of doctor's appointments that included blood work, and CT Scans, you name it, thankfully, everything came back normal. I'm incredibly grateful, even though I'm still clueless about what was going on?
Moving on, for the first time in two years, I went back to New York for the holidays and ended up getting Covid. Having Covid was an interesting one. It felt similar to the flu but different from anything I have felt before. Fortunately, it was pretty mild, but it lingered for some time.
Focusing on my health for the past few months became a gentle reminder of how crucial it is to take care of yourself. For Serious!!! It needs to be at the forefront of everything because you can't do much else without it. I struggled a bit, having to slow down to allow myself to heal, moments where I even wanted to crawl out of my skin. On a spiritual level, it felt like I was in the Amazon with a shaman during an intense purging process.
Overall I consider myself a healthy individual (and fuck, I have put my body through hell and back), but that doesn't mean there isn't room for improvement. I'm back home in Bali and feeling much better; I've decided that the central theme for 2022 is UPGRADE! I don't just mean an upgrade in my health, which needed my full attention for a while; I mean in all areas of my life, which are phenomenal already.
It is a blessing to have my health back again and refocus my energy on things that bring me joy. So this week, I joined the gym, started writing again, and dived headfirst into working on my creative projects.
I find the human body so fascinating that it can heal itself if given a fighting chance. My health message was loud and clear that I needed to slow down and breathe. So cheers everyone to another new year of feeling healthy, happy, and vibrant because it's so damn important!
Is anyone else ready to UPGRADE!?
Sending Love,