Full Moon Ritual
This photo was taken during an extraordinary full moon in the Amazon jungle. I was volunteering to do medicinal plant research guided by a Shaman with the most beautiful, gentle, inspiring, and captivating soul. He was one of those mesmerizing people you just wanted to be around and listen to even though there was a language barrier; fortunately, a translator was provided.
During my time there, he was able to recognize my slightly depleted energy and offered to perform a sacred ceremonial ritual to release and help me become aware of anything that might be keeping me from moving forward on my path. I currently just left a toxic job of 9 years, my NYC lifestyle, and a relationship. The experience (not planned) happened to be in perfect alignment with the full moon and is one that I will never forget.
I'm no longer in the jungle; I am currently home in New York; we are encountering last night and tonight's first full moon of the 2019 New Year, a super blood wolf moon, and a total lunar eclipse in Leo. This powerful full moon has a lot of magic happening around it, and a total lunar eclipse won't occur again until 2021.
Full moon energy is the perfect time to let go of anything that doesn't resonate with your frequency. Side note - this past weekend, I left a job that no longer serves me, again not planned, and I couldn't think of a better time plus, bonus, I feel amazing. Once we give up what we no longer vibe with (usually keeping us stagnate), we can make room to expand and flourish with what does.
During the full moon, I have a personalized spiritual cleansing ritual. First, it's all about getting clear and specific on setting my intentions regarding what I want and releasing what I don't. Then, having hope and trusting the process (easier said than done) are necessary steps towards what I describe as freedom. Freedom enables us to thrive, create, grow, manifest, and love beyond measure. So I've decided to share my full moon ritual that breaks down and is not limited to 9 key elements (see below). Btw, I do a lot of these things daily.
Home (Sacred Space): cleanse by burning sage or palo santo and lighting a moon ritual candle I purchased from Lomar farms.
Movement: Hot Yoga helps the flow of energy through my body and releases any unnecessary tension and toxins.
Affirmations: My Daily Mantra can be anything that resonates at that time (ex: I am love, I am worthy).
Meditation: Self-reiki then 20min sitting meditation (with my yoni egg to help ground) focused on breathing in light and releasing what needs. It was afterward journaling any thoughts or feelings that come up.
Water: Either bath with Epsom salt or shower where I use frog medicine (shamanistic animal medicine), visualize any negative energy being washed down the drain and fill myself with light and love.
Moonlight: Placing my stones and crystals outside or on a windowsill during the full moon to clear energy. Also, I'm writing down on a piece of paper that I'm ready to release, then burning it in a safe environment to surrender to the universe.
Crystal Alley Cards, by Naisha Ahsian: Beautiful cards I use to ask if the universe or higher self is any particular message for me and what crystal can be used to help it (usually done before meditation).
Gratitude: Being grateful for everything the universe has already provided for me (ex: I am thankful for my breath).
Creative: I use my free time to write, paint, or express myself freely.
Lastly, if it weren't so cold out (9 degrees Fahrenheit in NY currently, burr), it would have been nice to howl in the full moon with the wolves that I sometimes volunteer with upstate New York. Next time!
Happy Full Moon!