The Journey


RIP to my Stepfather, Robert Osmak

Last week I was on my way to the airport to go to Bali when I got a distressing phone call from my mother, my stepfather had passed suddenly without any warning. My mind wanted to run away, go to Bali, and not have to deal, but my body, intuition, and inner truth were telling me otherwise.


Ten minutes into my cab ride, I turned around to be with my family; this choice that I wasn't aware of at the moment would be the exact thing I needed. With acceptance, letting go, and decision power, I could break a familiar pattern not to run away and face my current circumstances. Instead, I came full circle, choosing differently, ultimately changing everything.


Anger, frustration, guilt, and sadness came into play, all the emotions I needed to feel. But, staying present and realizing that closure to a big part of my life was in perfect alignment to embark on Bali's next chapter, I'm forever grateful to be given this opportunity before I was halfway around the world.


My stepfather's passing was also a gentle reminder that life is a gift, and we are not guaranteed tomorrow and to live each day to the fullest. As I keep on living and learning, never giving up on what life might throw at me, I know it's all to point me to my true north, and the universe is not against me.


Currently, in Bali, the island of the gods, I have arrived where I'm supposed to be and on time. I'm excited about life and the new reality and future that I'm manifesting the fuck out of and creating each day for myself. So, here to write my book, called Born to Be a Badass, and continue on my journey from a place of love, compassion, and gratitude.


Coming into fruition opportunities that lie ahead of me that I have been working hard towards this past year from my months of meditation and solitude — freedom now calling as I explore and expand my boundaries to re-enter this big beautiful world.


Side note: For those who don't know, I've started a creative project making traditional Buddhist Mala prayer beads called L.E.MENTS. The one I'm holding in this photo is Athena, goddess of wisdom, made out of sapphires. Please be on the lookout for my entire line coming soon! 





Full Moon Ritual