Healthy Boundaries


When it comes to just about anything we encounter in life: friends, family, work, or romantic relationships, having healthy boundaries and core values sets the tone for your mental and emotional well-being. So what are healthy boundaries and core values, and how do we implement them into our daily lives?

Having healthy boundaries means valuing your feelings and needs, which helps you establish positive relationships. Your core values can be described as your fundamental beliefs that help you stay focused and aligned with your values and beliefs.

When utilizing healthy boundaries, you want to list your core values, a particular set of rules for yourself that you will not negotiate. For example, my top three core values in relationships are communication, trust, and growth. When I feel a relationship is not aligned with these, I know that I need to re-evaluate. This can lead to change or even letting go of the relationship entirely.  

Another example of setting healthy boundaries, which I have struggled with, is saying yes to things when you mean no. AKA people-pleasing, where you accommodate other people's needs before your own. I learned that you don't owe anyone anything and are not responsible for how others act if you are in your integrity. 

Your well-being has to come first, and this is not being selfish. On the contrary, respecting yourself and your needs enables others to do the same. It gives you the ultimate freedom to be who you are at the core level. And the standards you set for yourself will attract the right people into your life. 

Do you have healthy boundaries? What are your core values?

Sending love & light



Setting Goals


Grateful Heart