New Moon, New Beginnings


The New Moon is a perfect time to look back and reflect on old goals, and refresh new ones. It is also the beginning of the new lunar cycle.

We are surrounded by many different cycles; metamorphism of a butterfly, sunrise, sunsets, changing trees and seasons, birth, life, and even death. Besides the obvious ones, I believe that the human form has multiple cycles that it goes through to learn different lessons; usually one being dominant.

In this thought process, I reflect on when this photo was taken. I set out on a journey to travel around the world for two years. I quit my toxic job, got rid of my apartment in NYC, and let go of that life and story I held onto for so long. I reached my goal, set out, and did exactly what I planned on doing except for the part where I fell in love, "didn't plan that," but things happen naturally, as in nature, and are some of the best things in life.

After accomplishing my goal, I began my next chapter, working for Yacht Week as a hostess in Croatia for the summer. I was excited to work with my partner and be in my happy place on the water. My new adventure begins, and confusion arises.

An unsettling shift occurred; I began to feel lost, something I couldn't quite put my finger on at the time. Questioning; who am I, where am I, is this where I'm supposed to be? Overall feelings of depression, an internal battle of I don't belong, and I'm meant for something else. But, of course, I ignored the signs and gut feelings because I was in love.

Fast forward; here comes the breakup and the universe saying, "oh, here she goes again," and "hey, we are not finished with you yet"! At first, asking why? WTF!! Months go by, and clarity slowly sets in as the universe conspired to guidance from mentors and teachers.

With curiosity and an alchemist mindset, I began to investigate and peel away the layers for a deeper understanding of recognizing my patterns. Why similar yet different things are repeated—showing me what's been right under my nose the whole time, my dominant life lesson to return to a place of self-love.

What does this all mean, and where did it go?

Self-love is about providing a connection to my true self, in essence, my soul in its purest form. I realized I wasn't staying in alignment with my authentic self, and therefore my personal growth stagnated. The natural cycle of my relationship ended abruptly, with the universe redirecting me back to my true north. I can also go deeper into the metaphysical aspect of this. Still, I will save it for another time when discussing a fascinating topic about reincarnation, past lives, soul purpose, and ancestral roots.

Once one cycle ends, another one begins, and like moon phases, cycles take time. My new cycle is just beginning, and only I can choose to enrich myself with a high-caliber love (I felt in my relationship) that already exists and has never left. I might be in the cocoon stage now, but eventually, I will evolve and become that beautiful butterfly. So let this new cycle begin! I choose love, magic, and happiness that are endlessly flowing.

Can you recognize your dominant life lesson?


Lone Wolf


My Shadow Self